Sunday, August 28, 2011

Prayer for Healing

Please do play the song first before continue reading... I just want to set the tone before I share with you my recent encounter with the presence of our Lord.

Few months ago, we went through the Book of Habakkuk in the Bible during one of our series in my local church. It was already instilled to us that being a Christian does not guarantee us of a storm-free life but we could hope for a storm-proof life with Jesus. It is not always about the blessings that you receive but you could expect for times of testing and during this time, you can be assured that God -- He is in control. I am glad I had gone through that series before it all began.

This began September 2010, nine months after I got married. I did not get my monthly period and I began putting on extra weight. It lasted until November, still not getting my period and still putting on more weight. Of course, I did the home pregnancy kit but it always came back negative. When I began having my period again in December,bleeding became heavier and from my normal 3-5 days, it lasted from 10-15 days. I would visit the doctor on the months that I would get really sick (just for the sake that I could get a medical certificate so I could go back to work after a few days of absence) but never really about wanting to know what was really wrong. I confess, I am afraid. Afraid to know that something is actually wrong. But this month, I knew deep within I am not the master of my body and it is His creation and it is saying that it needs attention.

I met up with the OB and after the lab test, she verified that I am suffering from PCOS. No, not the voting machine we used in the last election, you silly! PCOS or polycystic ovaries syndrome. After further research, I found out I was a textbook case. All the changes in my body for the past months are all due to this condition more evidently is the 20 pounds I have gained. It didn't help that I really have bad eating habits in which I actually confessed during, my 2-day retreat (VW) -- I was addicted to food during times of stress. PCOS made it worst making me insulin resistant and all that sciency stuff that only Sheldon of Big Bang Theory will just care talking about in detail.

Because I am now under God's covenant, I knew in my head I would be victorious in this health battle. But as we have said head knowledge is not enough, right? The whole day I was thinking about this thing, I kept blocking list of worries coming inside my head. I would forget about it for a minute then think about another something else to worry about. Tsk, Satan's really doing some overtime inside my head... putting lies after lies trying to convince me to question His will. Making me think, I was about to start a church training (T4V) that coming Saturday and now you're allowing me to be sick? I knew at that moment, I had to bow down before my God and surrender it to Him -- the sickness itself and lies that accompanies it.

Psalm 103:3-4 Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits- who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion

It was one solid hour of worship and prayer, me alone with my God. Humbling myself before Him as His child and servant - an instrument that He may use as He see fit and please. When I opened my eyes, the battle has been won! There were no more lies that I could think off only the truth that my Father, the King of Heaven and Earth, is a healer. If that wasn't enough, I had people praying and encouraging me -- don't you just loved being part of a small group?

James 5:16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much

* * *

Last month, we moved from second to a first floor unit of the same apartment building. Since we moved, we actually didn't set up the TV antenna outside since we have been so busy with a lot of things we don't have time to watch TV anymore. So it has been a couple of months of no TV. Don't get me wrong though, our Xbox Kinect and DVD player is still connected to it. So anyways, we have a long weekend due to the holidays, I asked hubby just this late afternoon to temporarily put the antenna outside so we could also monitor the storm that everyone is telling in their FB status. Of course, the signal was not that great for the local stations except for Ch.33 and The 700 Club was on. Shortly, a lady was testifying how she was bleeding for a long time and having difficulties in her period and how the Lord healed her. The hosts then started praying for those who has the same condition. Without hesitation I prayed with them, they mentioned for those of you have "cyst" in the ovaries, we are praying for your healing. Feel those cyst melting away... I say YES, LORD to that.

In the book of Matthew, Chapter 9

 20 Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. 21 She said to herself, “If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.” 22 Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, your faith has healed you. And the woman was healed at that moment.

Isn't the Lord just full of surprises and just awesome. His timing is perfect for us in putting our antenna back and on time for me to be layed hands on via TV. I believe this is His work, that I may again use my life to testify to others how He is to me and I am not special at all in the eyes of men but He takes time to see my affairs.

I wanna live for You be glorified forever...

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